The Elements Project

a community of innovators

Eric Martindale • Triangle Bitcoin Meetup • November 1st, 2016

Eric Martindale • @martindale

Presentation & Source Code Available

Some Things I've Worked On

  • decentralized education
  • collaborative writing platforms
  • augmented reality
  • computer vision
  • machine learning
  • predictive intelligence

Names of the Projects

  • Trinket (formerly Coursefork)
  • Quill (formerly RolePlayGateway)
  • Neogence
  • Mirascape
  • LocalSense
  • SenseMaker


the most well-tested, battle-hardened blockchain

The Bitcoin network

has been functional for

of the time since January 3rd, 2009.

(Bitcoin's genesis block: Jan 3 2009 02:54:25 GMT)

includes 6⅓ hours of downtime on 2013-03-12.

Building a blockchain?

Use Bitcoin's codebase.

(seriously. don't re-invent the wheel!)


are composable components
that extend the Bitcoin codebase.

They transform Bitcoin's features
into domain-specific solutions.


are bundles of Elements
deployed as a blockchain

on the Bitcoin network.

Sidechain Ecosystems


Reasons to use Sidechains

  • Network Upgrades, without service disruption
  • Experiments, with reversible outcomes
  • Beta releases, for optional improvements
  • ...what else can you imagine?

The 2-way Peg

Sidechain Assets

Issued Assets

are arbitrarily created in a transaction

Bonded Assets

are created & destroyed by a 2-way peg

Both have very different security models!

What can we build?

The Periodic Table of Elements

Confidential Transactions Segregated Witness Relative Lock Time Schnorr Signatures
New Opcodes Signature Covers Value Deterministic Pegs Signed Blocks
Asset Issuance Bitmask Sighash Modes


Elements Alpha

is a

Public Sidechain

pegged to Bitcoin's testnet blockchain

Launched on June 1st, 2015

Segregated Witness

  • 2015, Q2: first prototype built in Elements
  • 2015, June: deployed to the Alpha sidechain
  • 2015, December: proposed to the Bitcoin community at the Scaling Bitcoin conference in Hong Kong (BIP 141)
  • 2016, June 6th: accepted into Bitcoin Core (PR #8149)
  • 2016, October 27th: Bitcoin 0.13.1 released!


  • 2015, Q2: first prototype built in Elements
  • 2015, June: deployed to the Alpha sidechain
  • 2015, Aug.: proposed to Bitcoin community (BIP(s) 68, 112, 113)
  • 2016, Feb. 12th: accepted into Bitcoin Core (PR #7524)
  • Block 419328: activated on mainnet! 💥

Ongoing Work

Confidential Transactions

  • Conceals transaction amounts, but not sender or receiver
  • Can be combined with other Elements for better privacy (CoinJoin-like.)
  • Based on Confidential Values, from Adam Back, Greg Maxwell, Pieter Wuille

Getting Started

with the Elements Project

The Elements Project

Discussion & Questions • @martindale

Presentation & Source Code Available